Step 2

stdClass Object
    [_id] => 673e57e42523c99a2d8381c9
    [questionTitle] => Lead Rating
    [options] => Array
            [0] => stdClass Object
                    [key] => 4 (Best)
                    [value] => 4 (Best)
                    [defaultSelected] => 

            [1] => stdClass Object
                    [key] => 3
                    [value] => 3
                    [defaultSelected] => 

            [2] => stdClass Object
                    [key] => 2
                    [value] => 2
                    [defaultSelected] => 

            [3] => stdClass Object
                    [key] => 1 (Worst)
                    [value] => 1 (Worst)
                    [defaultSelected] => 


    [isDeleted] => 
    [questionType] => DROPDOWN
    [mainGroupId] => 669d4820f2926ba6695b52c4
    [characterLimit] => 
    [currencyFormat] => 
    [dateFormat] => 
    [numberFormat] => 
    [placeholder] => 
    [answer] => 
stdClass Object
    [_id] => 673e8263b330169a99a7d823
    [questionTitle] => Rating Reason
    [options] => Array

    [isDeleted] => 
    [questionType] => TEXT
    [mainGroupId] => 669d4820f2926ba6695b52c4
    [placeholder] => Only for 1 (worst)... 
    [characterLimit] => 
    [currencyFormat] => 
    [dateFormat] => 
    [numberFormat] => 
    [answer] => 
stdClass Object
    [_id] => 669d4faf6859bed4d2c69cfe
    [questionTitle] => Property Details 🏚️
    [options] => 
    [isDeleted] => 
    [questionType] => MULTILINE_TEXT
    [mainGroupId] => 669d4820f2926ba6695b52c4
    [placeholder] => List details about property only. Not financials. 
    [characterLimit] => 
    [currencyFormat] => 
    [dateFormat] => 
    [numberFormat] => 
    [answer] => 
stdClass Object
    [_id] => 669d4c9d7594df7eb8d99c54
    [questionTitle] => Condition Category
    [options] => Array
            [0] => stdClass Object
                    [key] => Poor
                    [value] => Poor
                    [defaultSelected] => 

            [1] => stdClass Object
                    [key] => Fair
                    [value] => Fair
                    [defaultSelected] => 

            [2] => stdClass Object
                    [key] => Average
                    [value] => Average
                    [defaultSelected] => 

            [3] => stdClass Object
                    [key] => Very Good
                    [value] => Very Good
                    [defaultSelected] => 

            [4] => stdClass Object
                    [key] => Excellent
                    [value] => Excellent
                    [defaultSelected] => 


    [isDeleted] => 
    [questionType] => DROPDOWN
    [mainGroupId] => 669d4820f2926ba6695b52c4
    [characterLimit] => 
    [currencyFormat] => 
    [dateFormat] => 
    [numberFormat] => 
    [placeholder] => 
    [answer] => 
stdClass Object
    [_id] => 669d4cb97594df7eb8d99c8a
    [questionTitle] => Timeframe
    [options] => 
    [isDeleted] => 
    [questionType] => MULTILINE_TEXT
    [mainGroupId] => 669d4820f2926ba6695b52c4
    [placeholder] => "Based on everything we've discussed, it sounds like selling could help address some of the challenges you're facing, like [summarize key pain points]. If we were able to come to an agreement that feels fair to both of us, would it make sense to start discussing next steps together?   “And, just out of curiosity, what kind of timeframe were you ideally hoping to have this wrapped up by?"
    [characterLimit] => 
    [currencyFormat] => 
    [dateFormat] => 
    [numberFormat] => 
    [answer] => 
stdClass Object
    [_id] => 669d4cadd32d2dd4aa98f2bc
    [questionTitle] => Sellers Motivation 🐇  
    [options] => 
    [isDeleted] => 
    [questionType] => MULTILINE_TEXT
    [mainGroupId] => 669d4820f2926ba6695b52c4
    [placeholder] => This script is designed to uncover a seller's motivations and pain points early in the conversation to determine if they're genuinely motivated to sell, especially at a discount. By focusing on emotional drivers before fact-finding about the property, you can quickly qualify or disqualify a lead, avoiding wasted time on unmotivated sellers. This approach ensures you spend your time with prospects who are more likely to convert and align with your investment criteria.
    [characterLimit] => 
    [currencyFormat] => 
    [dateFormat] => 
    [numberFormat] => 
    [answer] => 
stdClass Object
    [_id] => 66e743b4c4c31194dcffab4a
    [questionTitle] => Income and expenses
    [options] => Array

    [isDeleted] => 
    [questionType] => MULTILINE_TEXT
    [mainGroupId] => 669d4820f2926ba6695b52c4
    [placeholder] => Add income of property and expenses.  Income would include all units; if vacant, provide potential rents.  For expenses, ask about taxes, insurance, property management and capital expenditures. 
    [characterLimit] => 
    [currencyFormat] => 
    [dateFormat] => 
    [numberFormat] => 
    [answer] => 
stdClass Object
    [_id] => 669d4cd2057a839fa0afc449
    [questionTitle] => Loans and Liens
    [options] => 
    [isDeleted] => 
    [questionType] => MULTILINE_TEXT
    [mainGroupId] => 669d4820f2926ba6695b52c4
    [placeholder] => Are there any mortgages or liens against the house?  If loans, what's the details of the loan?  This helps us structure creative options for the seller. 
    [characterLimit] => 
    [currencyFormat] => 
    [dateFormat] => 
    [numberFormat] => 
    [answer] => 
stdClass Object
    [_id] => 669d4d1072ec3ea6a0afd1cd
    [questionTitle] => Asking Price?
    [options] => 
    [isDeleted] => 
    [questionType] => MULTILINE_TEXT
    [mainGroupId] => 669d4820f2926ba6695b52c4
    [numberFormat] => 
    [placeholder] => Ask the seller how they came up with whatever # they give you.  (recent appraisal, their realtor..etc)
    [characterLimit] => 
    [currencyFormat] => 
    [dateFormat] => 
    [answer] => 
stdClass Object
    [_id] => 669d4d32d32d2dd4aa98f336
    [questionTitle] => Trial Close 2 (Decision Makers)
    [options] => 
    [isDeleted] => 
    [questionType] => MULTILINE_TEXT
    [mainGroupId] => 669d4820f2926ba6695b52c4
    [placeholder] => "And before I have them dive in, if we can come back with a number that works for both of us, is there….. anyyything - at all - that would prevent us from moving forward with the paperwork TO-DAY?"
    [characterLimit] => 
    [currencyFormat] => 
    [dateFormat] => 
    [numberFormat] => 
    [answer] => 
stdClass Object
    [_id] => 66f2ac82cadce8d3f266a447
    [questionTitle] => 🗒️ Underwriter Notes 🕵️‍♂️
    [options] => Array

    [isDeleted] => 
    [questionType] => MULTILINE_TEXT
    [mainGroupId] => 669d483eaa3b409f86087e13
    [placeholder] => Write notes here
    [characterLimit] => 
    [currencyFormat] => 
    [dateFormat] => 
    [numberFormat] => 
    [answer] => 
stdClass Object
    [_id] => 66e8641d637512954c013997
    [questionTitle] => 📊 Comparable Sales 📊
    [options] => 
    [isDeleted] => 
    [questionType] => MULTILINE_TEXT
    [mainGroupId] => 669d483eaa3b409f86087e13
    [placeholder] => These are comparables that you can use during your Anchor Call - Before your Trial Close Range
    [characterLimit] => 
    [currencyFormat] => 
    [dateFormat] => 
    [numberFormat] => 
    [answer] => 
stdClass Object
    [_id] => 669d48897594df7eb8d9960d
    [questionTitle] => Summarize Situation ​​✅
    [options] => 
    [isDeleted] => 
    [questionType] => MULTILINE_TEXT
    [mainGroupId] => 669d483eaa3b409f86087e13
    [placeholder] => The Recap phase is crucial because it aligns both parties on the property details, seller's motivations, and timeline, demonstrating active listening and building trust. By validating the seller's concerns and ensuring clarity, it sets a strong foundation for anchoring the negotiation around an offer that meets their needs.
    [characterLimit] => 
    [currencyFormat] => 
    [dateFormat] => 
    [numberFormat] => 
    [answer] => 
stdClass Object
    [_id] => 669d4973e52f01a66252dd7c
    [questionTitle] => 3rd Trial Close (Offer Range - The Anchor 🔱) 
    [options] => 
    [isDeleted] => 
    [questionType] => TEXT
    [mainGroupId] => 669d483eaa3b409f86087e13
    [numberFormat] => 
    [placeholder] => This is our Anchor - Typically 10% below our Max Allowable Offer (MAO)
    [characterLimit] => 
    [currencyFormat] => 
    [dateFormat] => 
    [answer] => 
stdClass Object
    [_id] => 66e8647bfa447ab5013f9168
    [questionTitle] => The Anchor 🔱 (Seller's Response) 
    [options] => Array

    [isDeleted] => 
    [questionType] => MULTILINE_TEXT
    [mainGroupId] => 669d483eaa3b409f86087e13
    [placeholder] => Write down what the sellers says. 
    [characterLimit] => 
    [currencyFormat] => 
    [dateFormat] => 
    [numberFormat] => 
    [answer] => 
stdClass Object
    [_id] => 669d4e60bced13a6afc36316
    [questionTitle] => Magic Problem Question
    [options] => 
    [isDeleted] => 
    [questionType] => MULTILINE_TEXT
    [mainGroupId] => 669d483eaa3b409f86087e13
    [placeholder] => "One last thing, just to help us make this as smooth and easy as possible for you—aside from the money, what’s the most important thing for you when it comes to selling this property?"
    [characterLimit] => 
    [currencyFormat] => 
    [dateFormat] => 
    [numberFormat] => 
    [answer] => 
stdClass Object
    [_id] => 66e7418d6005c7b91146778c
    [questionTitle] => The Novation Offer 💰
    [options] => 
    [isDeleted] => 
    [questionType] => TEXT
    [mainGroupId] => 669d483eaa3b409f86087e13
    [placeholder] => This is our MAO for the novation.  
    [characterLimit] => 
    [currencyFormat] => 
    [dateFormat] => 
    [numberFormat] => 
    [answer] => 
stdClass Object
    [_id] => 66e74491d49266b516719350
    [questionTitle] => Owner Finance / Sub-To 💰
    [options] => 
    [isDeleted] => 
    [questionType] => MULTILINE_TEXT
    [mainGroupId] => 669d483eaa3b409f86087e13
    [placeholder] => This is our creative financing offer where the seller will owner finance the offer or allow us to take over their loan.  This is good for sellers that owe too much for our cash or novation offer or are underwater on their mortgage. 
    [characterLimit] => 
    [currencyFormat] => 
    [dateFormat] => 
    [numberFormat] => 
    [answer] => 
stdClass Object
    [_id] => 66e741dc391a869d0160cf25
    [questionTitle] => The Close 📦
    [options] => 
    [isDeleted] => 
    [questionType] => MULTILINE_TEXT
    [mainGroupId] => 669d483eaa3b409f86087e13
    [placeholder] => This is the delivery of the novation offer.  This offer is a second, creative option that allows us as investors give the seller a higher price than our cash offer.  If it seems like it won't work for whatever reason, you can attempt to offer the creative owner finance / sub-to if it makes sense. 
    [characterLimit] => 
    [currencyFormat] => 
    [dateFormat] => 
    [numberFormat] => 
    [answer] => 
stdClass Object
    [_id] => 66e7422d15ca5d7037a4503b
    [questionTitle] => Setting Expectations 
    [options] => Array

    [isDeleted] => 
    [questionType] => MULTILINE_TEXT
    [mainGroupId] => 669d483eaa3b409f86087e13
    [placeholder] => The Set Expectation phase establishes clear communication guidelines, roles, and responsibilities to create a transparent and predictable process for the seller. This clarity builds trust, minimizes misunderstandings, and ensures both parties are aligned for a smooth transaction.
    [characterLimit] => 
    [currencyFormat] => 
    [dateFormat] => 
    [numberFormat] => 
    [answer] => 

Address info

Property address helps us decide whether or not we deal in provided location

Contact Info

Areas where we buy houses